The Green Dog Gazette - Blog

How can I tell if my dog has a toothache?

How can I tell if my dog has a toothache?

Toothaches can be incredibly painful and at Green Dog we see them all the time. Only a few centuries ago, toothaches could literally be deadly. His...
What You Need to Know When Adopting a Cat

What You Need to Know When Adopting a Cat

June is National Adopt a Cat Month! And with so many cats in the world needing good homes, there is no shortage of furry feline friends waiting for...
Does Anxiety Impact Your Dogs Health?

Does Anxiety Impact Your Dogs Health?

Everyone feels anxious time and again. After all, it is a natural response to stressful or uncertain situations. However, anxiety that persists or ...
Is Chocolate Dangerous for Pets?

Is Chocolate Dangerous for Pets?

At Green Dog Dental, we all agree: chocolate is THE BEST. Whether you like white chocolate, milk chocolate, or ultra-dark chocolate (no judgement),...
November Wellness Tips for You & Your Pet

November Wellness Tips for You & Your Pet

The holiday seasons is officially upon us! While this year is likely to look a little different than years’ past, there is one thing that won’t cha...
What is the Difference Between Tartar and Plaque?

What is the Difference Between Tartar and Plaque?

Learn the difference between tartar and plaque and what you can do to minimize it.  Green Dog Dental is on a mission to help pet owners be more involved in their pets health and include dental care as regularly as vaccinations and other preventative measures.
5 Things You Should Know About Your Labrador Retriever

5 Things You Should Know About Your Labrador Retriever

Thinking about getting a Labrador Retriever?  Check out these tips about the breed and what makes them so great as pets.