The Green Dog Gazette - Blog

What does it mean if my dog’s mouth is sensitive?

What does it mean if my dog’s mouth is sensitive?

Ouch! Few things are worse than dental pain. Just like humans, dogs experience oral pain for a variety of reasons, whether it be infection, poor or...
How can I tell if my dog has a toothache?

How can I tell if my dog has a toothache?

Toothaches can be incredibly painful and at Green Dog we see them all the time. Only a few centuries ago, toothaches could literally be deadly. His...
How to Tell if Your Dog has a Toothache

How to Tell if Your Dog has a Toothache

Learn tips from Green Dog Dental on how to tell if your dog has a toothache or dental issue.  Sometimes it is hard to tell but there are signs that can give you a clue.