How to Tell if Your Dog has a Toothache

Because our dogs can’t always tell us if they’re in pain, part of being a good dog owner is learning to recognize the signs that something is amiss. Dogs are experts at hiding pain, and sometimes you won’t be able to tell that they aren’t feeling well until the situation has gotten out of hand.

Look For Subtle Signs of Pet Dental Pain

However, dogs often give off subtle signals that something is wrong. And in the case of tooth pain, this is very likely to be the case.  Green Dog Dental has some helpful tips so you can have a better chance of understanding what the issue might be.  Don't forget, preventative care with dental cleaning solutions like smileSPRAY is your best option.

Pet Dental Issue More Common Than You Think

Tooth pain is a relatively common ailment in dogs, partially because they use their mouth from much more than simply eating (chewing on hard toys, for example). If your dog has a painful tooth, you may notice the following:

  1. Bloody saliva
  2. Traces of blood on their toys or in their dog bowls
  3. Reddened gums
  4. Head shyness (they won’t want to be touched on the head)
  5. Unusually bad breath
  6. Vocalizing/whimpering when they eat
  7. Refusing to eat
  8. General listlessness
  9. Excessive drooling

Don't Wait, Call the Vet

If the problem tooth is in the front of your dog’s mouth, you may be able to tell that something is wrong simply by observing. However, for more insidious dental issues, you may only discover the problem if your vet conducts a thorough dental exam.

When it comes to dogs, the solution for tooth pain is often removing the tooth entirely. Unlike human beings who will often repair cavities with fillings and other types of dental care, dogs adapt quite well to missing a tooth or two, and if it relieves the pain is often well worth the sacrifice.

Preventative Care is Best

While not all doggy dental issues are preventable, you can prevent the vast majority of them by practicing good dental hygiene with your pet. And if you get them used to getting their teeth brushed or cleaned as puppies, it simply becomes a matter of routine.