The Green Dog Gazette - Blog

Should I get Dental X- Rays for My Dog?

Should I get Dental X- Rays for My Dog?

When you bring your dog in for their annual tooth cleaning at the veterinarian’s office, you may be surprised to hear that we take x-rays of your d...
How to Take Care of Your Dog's Teeth

How to Take Care of Your Dog's Teeth

How to Use smileSPRAY & dentalDUST Are you one of those pet owners whose dog or cat loves having their teeth brushed? If so, go buy a lottery t...
How Do You Start A Preventative Dental Care Program for Your Dog?

How Do You Start A Preventative Dental Care Program for Your Dog?

Neither of my dogs like having their teeth brushed. It ranks up there with nail clipping - a torturous, stressful experience that sends them runnin...
Santa Monica Most Loved Businesses

Santa Monica Most Loved Businesses

It is official- we’re one of the most loved businesses in Santa Monica! Green Dog Dental & Wellness Center was voted as a finalist in two categ...
When To See The Vet For Pet Dental Issues

When To See The Vet For Pet Dental Issues

Cats and dogs are experts at hiding pain so Green Dog Dental has put together a list of things to watch for that tell you what is really going on with your pet.


What is the Difference Between Tartar and Plaque?

What is the Difference Between Tartar and Plaque?

Learn the difference between tartar and plaque and what you can do to minimize it.  Green Dog Dental is on a mission to help pet owners be more involved in their pets health and include dental care as regularly as vaccinations and other preventative measures.
How To “LIFT THE LIP” and Check Your Pets Teeth & Gums

How To “LIFT THE LIP” and Check Your Pets Teeth & Gums

Green Dog Dental suggests you "Lift the Lip" about once a month to do a check up on teeth and gums.  This can be the first sign that your pet has a dental or medical issue and should see a vet.