The Green Dog Gazette - Blog

Tips for a Safe Summer with Your Pet

Tips for a Safe Summer with Your Pet

Summer has finally arrived!  And with it, pool parties, BBQ's, and, if you're lucky, a vacation. While it is not technically "summertime" until Jun...
Does Anxiety Impact Your Dogs Health?

Does Anxiety Impact Your Dogs Health?

Everyone feels anxious time and again. After all, it is a natural response to stressful or uncertain situations. However, anxiety that persists or ...
How Do You Calm an Anxious Pet?

How Do You Calm an Anxious Pet?

If you’ve got a cat or a dog that suffers from anxiety, you know how disheartening it can be. Because we can’t explain fireworks or car rides or ve...
What is the Best Way to Bring a New Pet into Your Home?

What is the Best Way to Bring a New Pet into Your Home?

Adding a new furry addition to the family is incredibly exciting and rewarding. After all, what could be better than one pet? Multiple pets! While ...