Tips for a Safe Summer with Your Pet

Summer has finally arrived!  And with it, pool parties, BBQ's, and, if you're lucky, a vacation. While it is not technically "summertime" until June 20th, lots of people begin the celebration a little early and Green Dog Pet Products has some tips to make it a happy summer for everyone.

Pet Appreciation Week

Kick off your June with Pet Appreciation Week, which takes place from June 6th- 12th. Of course, we believe that one of the best ways to show your pet how much you appreciate them is with a dental cleaning. While at-home dental care is of paramount importance, there is not really a substitute for an annual cleaning with your veterinarian.

And remember: the more preventative care you do at home in the form of brushing, the less likely your pet is to need costly tooth extractions.

Once your pets teeth are clean and shiny, there are a few other things to keep in mind as the weather gets warmer and the summertime season gets into full swing.

Some June Wellness Tips

Here are our top June pet wellness tips:

Fireworks: Summer fireworks and pets do not go well together. Even the most well-trained dog or cat might bolt at the sight and sound of fireworks.

If you think about it from your pet’s perspective (the loud noises, the bright flashes, the unpredictable nature of the sound) it is no wonder so many pets run for the hills as soon as the festivities start.

How To Calm Your Pet

While some pets really need medication in order to cope with their fear of fireworks, many can be helped with just a few minor changes. Offering them a quiet, safe place to relax (like a windowless bathroom) is a great idea.

It will muffle the sound and the closed quarters will help them to feel safe. You can also try compression vests (popularly known as "thunder vests") which also create that sense of safety.

Botanicals can also be quite helpful, and we love our calming sprays (purrfectCALM for cats and quietTIME for dogs). Our kitty product, purrfectCALM, is an all-natural, spray designed to calm anxious cats and quietTIME does the same for dogs. Both products bring a calming energy to pets when misted in the air thoroughly around them or on their beds. Best of all, they work immediately after only a couple of inhalations. Perfect for surprise fireworks!

Tags, Collars and Microchips

June is also a great time to take check your dogs tags, collar, and update their microchip information if necessary. As the weather gets warmer, dogs tend to spend more time outside and thus are at a greater risk of getting lost.

Having proper identification on your pet and making sure the contact information is up to date is an important part of keeping them safe.

Some Safety Reminders

And speaking of safety, remember that BBQs aren’t really pet friendly events. Besides the whole “open fire” aspect, there are tons of food at BBQs that are not pet friendly, such as tomatoes, onions, and salty snacks like chips. So, it may be better to keep your pet indoors when you’re outside grilling.

Have a happy June, everyone! Check back with the Green Dog Gazette in July for our next round of summertime wellness tips.