Tips for a Safe and Fun Filled Halloween with Your Pet

October is here! And along with it the beginning of the holiday season, starting with spooky Halloween and a few wellness tips from Green Dog Pet Products.

Let's Start With The Teeth

Because we’re passionate about dental health, we’d like to remind all of you humans out there to brush your teeth after eating candy! Especially sticky candy like lollipops, taffy, and gummy candies.

Shockingly, though, teeth aren’t our main concern when it comes to our four-legged friends on Old Hallows Eve. Halloween brings lots of joy, but also lots of hazards and potential stress for our furry friends.

You Know About Chocolate, Right?

Firstly, let’s get this out of the way: chocolate is very toxic to dogs and absolutely should be kept out of their reach. When it comes to chocolate toxicity, the ingredient you must watch out for is called theobromine.

While all chocolate contains this chemical, it’s quantity varies greatly depending on what kind of chocolate it is. A good rule of thumb is that the more cocoa present in the chocolate, the deadlier it is. So, super dark chocolates are the most toxic, while milk chocolate contains less of the dangerous ingredient.

Just How Toxic Is It?

The toxicity level will also depend on your dog’s size, weight, and how much they’ve consumed. Anyone who has had the awful experience of discovering that their dog has gotten into their Halloween candy knows there are tons of mathematical equations online to help calculate how much chocolate a particular size dog would need to experience toxicity, but the simple answer is: no chocolate for dogs.

Other candies can also be toxic (like the xylitol in sugar free gum) and the wrappers can present a choking hazard. Halloween decorations can also be hazardous, so keep them well out of reach.

Keep It All Out Of Reach

Keep all of your candy out of your dog and cat’s reach, and don’t underestimate their ability to rip open bags, climb onto countertops, and rifle through book bags

Halloween and Pet Stress

Halloween can also be stressful for pets, especially if you’re in a trick or treating zone. Cats and dogs alike might be freaked out by the constant ringing of the doorbell, the to and fro of “masked intruders”, and the presence of children dressed up in costumes.

For everyone’s safety and comfort, keep your dogs from rushing to the door every time someone knocks, and keep them contained in another part of the house where they won’t be disturbed. Cats will likely flee on their own, but keep an eye to make sure they don’t slip out the door out of fear.

Calming Sprays For Pets

We love  quietTIME and purrfectCALM for moment like this, when it’s helpful to take the edge of stressful situations. Both created with proprietary blend of 100% therapeutic grade essential oils, these calming mists will leave your pet feeling more relaxed and at ease.

As a final note: no amount of quietTIME and purrfectCALM is going to make your pet happy about being dressed up for Halloween if they aren’t into it. So, please, unless your pet loves to wear costumes, leave the spooky shenanigans for the humans this Halloween night. 

All the humans and all the pets at Green Dog Dental hope you have a fun filled and safe Halloween!  Not sure if your dog has a dental problem?  Check out our article on how to tell what they can't tell you.